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Pure Honey Madu Asli Light (1000g) Giant B 叶心蜜

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S$ 29.99 SGD
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S$ 29.99 SGD
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S$ 0.00 SGD
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Ready stock, ship from Woodlands / Yishun, SG local seller.

100% Pure & Natural Honey - Sugar FREE Packing Size: Plastic Bottle with 1000gm & 500gm Light       - Acacia Honey (taste light) Golden   - Flower Honey (taste moderate) Dark       - Malaluka Honey (taste strong) All 3 also pure honey, just it from different tree, the benefits is almost the same.  > Consume Daily Morning Adult 2 Table Spoon Children 1 Table Spoon. > All honey should store under room temperature, no need keep in fridge, No Expiry Date. > Tidak Perlu Simpan Dalam Peti Sejuk. > Makan/Minum Setiap Pagi Sebelum Sarapan Dewasa 2 Sudu; Budak 1 Sudu. > Tiada Tarikh Luput. Kita Akan Letak Tarikh Luput Sebab KKM Required & Process KKM Sahaja. Khasiat Madu Lebah Asli Yang Menakjubkan * Meningkatkan Daya Ingatan * Membekal Pelbagai Nutrisi * Menghilangkan Batuk * Membantu Anda Untuk Tidur * Menghilangkan Kelemumur * Mencegah Kanser Dan Masalah Jantung *  Khasiat Madu Lebah Mengawal Kadar Gula Dalam Darah * Probiotik Pure Honey Health Benefits: - * Can regulate the secretion of gastric acid. If you eat honey for an hour before meals, it can inhibit the secretion of gastric acid, thereby reducing the food on the gastric mucosa stimulation. * Contains enzymes and minerals to improve the body's immune capacity, it can treat colds, fever, and other illnesses. * Can improve the blood, promote the blood vessels of heart and brain, it is useful to cardiovascular patients. * Can improve nervousness, reduce stress and relieve mood. * Contains sugar (natural glucose) to help the growth of probiotics, regulate gastrointestinal function, promote intestinal peristalsis, help to removes body unwanted feces. * Contains effect of sterilization, can sterilize oral/mouth and wounds. When dealing with wounds, it can be painted at the affected area to reduce the leakage and pain, promote wound healing and prevent wound infection. * Anti-inflammatory effect; it is effective to treat cough, dry cough, moisturizing sore throat, reduce tracheal inflammation. * Long-term consumption of honey can improve stomach pain and heartburn and can improve the gastric acid back to normal. 吃纯蜂蜜的益处与功效: * 蜂蜜含有酵素成分,它可以帮助人体消化吸收,促进人体的新陈代谢。 * 蜂蜜可以减少/预防咳嗽,伤风,喉咙痛,发烧等感冒。 * 蜂蜜含有的营养成分可以为表面细胞提供营养。 * 蜂蜜能促进儿童生长发育。(建议1.5-2岁才开始吃) * 蜂蜜含有铁和叶酸成分,能有效的改善贫血。 * 蜂蜜能扩张冠状血管管,对心绞痛有一定的缓和作用。 * 含有矿物质如镁等营养成分能改善睡眠与镇静的作用。失眠的人如果每天在睡觉前食用杂花蜜(加入温水内),能够帮助改善睡眠。 * 长期食用蜂蜜能使胃痛和胃灼热感消失,并能使胃液酸度恢复正常。 * 蜂蜜可以缓解神经紧张,能减轻压力,舒缓情绪。 * 蜂蜜能改善钙的流失,并防止中老年人引起的骨质疏松。 * 纯蜂蜜本身含有糖粉(葡萄糖)有助于益生菌生长,调节肠胃功能,促进肠道蠕动,帮助润肠排便,对肠胃健康很有帮助。 * 蜂蜜有杀菌的效果,常常食用不但对牙齿没影响,而且还能在口腔内起到灭菌消毒的帮助。当处理伤口时,也能把杂花蜜涂在患处,它能减少渗出、减轻疼痛,促进伤口愈合,以及防止伤口受感染。 * 蜂蜜不含脂肪,它的单糖成分(天然的葡萄糖与天然的果糖)不需要经过人体消化作用,即可转化为能量被人体吸收利用,平衡血糖值,这样可以降低空腹感,避免吃下过量的食物。 * 能调节胃酸的分泌,使胃酸分泌活动正常化。如果在饭前一个小时食用蜂蜜,它可抑制胃酸的分泌,从而减少食物对胃粘膜的刺激。 * 能改进血液,推进心脑和血管的作用,常常食用对心血管患者很有帮助。 * 能迅速的补充能量,消除疲劳,增强对疾病的抵抗力。 * 适合高血压、心脏病病人,生长发育期的儿童食用。它能有效的保护心血管,它能扩张冠状动脉和营养心肌的作用,改善心肌功能,对血压有调节的作用。高血压者如果每天早晚各一次饮用蜂蜜能保护血管和降血压的作用。 保存方法:保持在阴凉干燥的地方,不需要放冰箱。 食用方法:早晚各一次,成人:2汤匙; 小孩:1汤匙,冲水或直接吃都可以。